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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Payroll Processing >
Utility - Employee Transfer
Employee Transfer is a feature to move the employee profile from one company to another. 


  1. Employee Transfer Report


  1. Enable "Allow Add", "Allow Edit" and "Allow Delete" access under " Role Menu Access" to make changes.

Steps to create rate change:

  1. Click "Employee Transfer" button. This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details
    1. Employee Code - Select the employee to transfer.
    2. To Company ID - Select the company to which the employee should be transferred.
    3. To Employee Code - Enter new employee ID of the employee.
    4. To Position Code - Select the position from the list. This will load vacant positions from the company to which the employee is been transferred.
    5. To Shift Code - Select the shift from the list. This will load shifts from the company to which the employee is been transferred.
    6. To Pay Team Code - Select the pay team from the list. This will load pay teams from the company to which the employee is been transferred. The user transferring the employee must have access to the pay team.
    7. To Service Type - Select the service type from the list. This will load service type  from the company to which the employee is been transferred.
    8. Reason - Enter the justification for transferring the employee.
    9. Click on the "Save" button.
    10. Click on the "Close" button to exit the form.
  3. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the record to view the details.

Figure 1: Employee Transfer